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Ashland-Greenwood High School is located at 1842 Furnas Street in Ashland and includes grade 9-12. Course offerings include a typical blend of college preparatory, general education, and vocational. Credits are awarded on a semester basis with each class being worth 5 credits per semester. The school requires 255 total credits for graduation; of those, 40 credits must be in English, 30 in Math, 30 in Science, 40 in Social Studies, 5 in Health, and 5 in Physical Education. College credit, work experiences, dual enrollment, distance learning and web-based learning curriculum opportunities are available to students in addition to traditional classroom settings. Students are also involved in numerous co-curricular activities including vocational clubs and athletics. Ashland-Greenwood High School boasts a high percentage of regents scholarship winners and some top ACT scores. AGHS has been a 1:1 school since 2009. Every student has his/her own computer.


SCHOOL INFORMATION: Ashland-Greenwood High School

ASHLAND, 68003-1899
SCHOOL PHONE: (402)944-2114
FAX: (402)944-2116
SCHOOL ID: 78-0001-001

The release date for Statewide Assessments is 12/31/2018

Graduation Rate

What percent of students graduated in four years?

College Going Rate

The release date for Graduation Cohort and Dropout is 12/31/2018

Student Membership

How many students were enrolled at the beginning of the school year?

Student Race/Ethnicity

What percent of students fall in each race/ethnicity category?


Degree, Experience, & Salary

How many classroom teachers are there?

How many teachers have a Masters degree?

What percentage of teachers have a Masters degree?

How many years do teachers teach on average?

What is the average teacher salary?


What percent of teachers fall in each race/ethnicity category?

Inexperienced Teachers

Teaching on Provisional Credentials

Teaching Out of Field

English Learners

What percent of students are learning the English language?

High Ability Learners

What percent of students can perform at a high level in a specific area?



Free/Reduced Lunch

What percent of students are eligible for free/reduced price meals?

School Mobility Rate

What percent of students enter or leave a school during one school year?

The release date for Teachers is 10/15/2018

The release date for Student Performance is 10/15/2018

Financial Per Pupil Expenditures

English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century
