David City Public Elementary is a rural elementary school located in the town of David City. It is accredited by the State of Nebraska. Grades K-6 are served in the David City Elementary building and the preschoolers are educated in a separate facility south of the high school. There are two sections of students per grade led by a certified classroom teacher per section. Included in this list of certified teachers are a speech pathologist, psychologist, three special education teachers, a music instructor, a PE teacher, an art teacher, Title I and EL (English Language) instructors, an elementary counselor, a curriculum/media specialist and a full-time elementary principal. The elementary building opened a new addition in the Fall of 2011 that includes a new office area, SPED and art classrooms, and a gymnasium. The elementary building opened a new addition in the Fall of 2018 that includes a new office area for SPED Staff, SPED classrooms, and a conference room.
SCHOOL INFORMATION: David City Elementary School
DAVID CITY, 68632-1733
SCHOOL PHONE: (402)367-3779
FAX: (402)367-3783
SCHOOL ID: 12-0056-002