Crawford Public School District is a Class 3 district located in the rural northwestern part of Dawes County. The district is predominantly white, non-hispanic, with less than 10% of the student population being of other ethnic backgrounds. The attendance rate is consistently higher than 98%. 36% of the teaching staff hold Master's degrees. Crawford is considered a high poverty area.
Crawford Public Schools has incorporated PLC meetings with the goal to become a PLC (rather than do PLCs). Embedded into this structure is a K-12 RTI program.
SCHOOL INFORMATION: Crawford High School
CRAWFORD, 69339-1204
SCHOOL PHONE: (308)665-1531
FAX: (308)665-1483
SCHOOL ID: 23-0071-001
The release date for Statewide Assessments is 12/31/2018
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This data is not yet available for the currently selected data year, please refer to the projected data release calendar to see when it will be available.
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This data is not yet available for the currently selected data year, please refer to the projected data release calendar to see when it will be available.