The Allen Consolidated Schools is a Class III District with an average enrollment of 94 students in grades 7-12. The school district is located in Northeast Nebraska and a member of the Lewis and Clark Activities Conference. The district's teaching staff averages over 14 years of experience providing an experienced staff for the students. The pupil/teacher ratio is 6.71 students for each staff member and the average class size is approximately 16 students per class.
PO BOX 190
ALLEN, 68710-0190
SCHOOL PHONE: (402)635-2484
FAX: (402)635-2331
SCHOOL ID: 26-0070-001
The release date for Statewide Assessments is 12/31/2018
This data is not yet available for the currently selected data year, please refer to the projected data release calendar to see when it will be available.
This data is not yet available for the currently selected data year, please refer to the projected data release calendar to see when it will be available.
This data is not yet available for the currently selected data year, please refer to the projected data release calendar to see when it will be available.
This data is not yet available for the currently selected data year, please refer to the projected data release calendar to see when it will be available.
This data is not yet available for the currently selected data year, please refer to the projected data release calendar to see when it will be available.