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Bryan High School has a diverse population of students in grades 9-12. The curriculum is built around career fields intended to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to earn a high school diploma, to begin work on a post-secondary degree, or to enter the world of work. Within the career fields are specialized pathways designed to keep the curriculum rigorous and relevant. The pathways include a variety of course offerings including but not limited to Honors and Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment, Food Sciences and Transportation, Distribution and Logistics. The most recently added pathway is the Urban Agriculture and Natural Resource Career Academy. Structured as a pure academy, the UANRCA involves teachers from different subject areas working together as a team to infuse a nationally recognized curriculum. The staff at Bryan High School is committed to meeting the needs of the 21st century high school student.



OMAHA, 68157-2699
SCHOOL PHONE: (531)299-2540
FAX: (531)299-2579
SCHOOL ID: 28-0001-003

The release date for Statewide Assessments is 12/31/2018

Graduation Rate

What percent of students graduated in four years?

College Going Rate

The release date for Graduation Cohort and Dropout is 12/31/2018

Student Membership

How many students were enrolled at the beginning of the school year?

Student Race/Ethnicity

What percent of students fall in each race/ethnicity category?


Degree, Experience, & Salary

How many classroom teachers are there?

How many teachers have a Masters degree?

What percentage of teachers have a Masters degree?

How many years do teachers teach on average?

What is the average teacher salary?


What percent of teachers fall in each race/ethnicity category?

Inexperienced Teachers

Teaching on Provisional Credentials

Teaching Out of Field

English Learners

What percent of students are learning the English language?

High Ability Learners

What percent of students can perform at a high level in a specific area?



Free/Reduced Lunch

What percent of students are eligible for free/reduced price meals?

School Mobility Rate

What percent of students enter or leave a school during one school year?

The release date for Teachers is 10/15/2018

The release date for Student Performance is 10/15/2018

Financial Per Pupil Expenditures

English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century
