Johnson County Central (JCC) High School is a class C-2 school located in southeast Nebraska. JCC High School serves the communities of Tecumseh, Cook, Talmage, Elk Creek, Vesta, Burr, and Lorton. JCC High School is an accredited school through the State of Nebraska. A wide range of courses and activities are offered within the district to serve a diverse population. JCC's High School is staffed by a principal,teachers, a school counselor, a Mental Health Practitioner, para-educators, office manager and a tech integrationist as well as other IT staff and additional support staff. Johnson County Central High School is committed to a strong curriculum which offers a multitude of opportunities for the students it serves. We offer dual credit classes through SCC and Peru State College. Our teachers and students are held to a high standard. We are a 1:1 with technology. Our staff works hard to help the students of our district fulfill their hopes and dreams.
SCHOOL INFORMATION: Johnson Co Central High School
PO BOX 338
TECUMSEH, 68450-0338
SCHOOL PHONE: (402)335-3328
FAX: (402)335-3346
SCHOOL ID: 49-0050-001