Guidance will focus on bullying, careers exploration, and the necessary skills needed during their school career at Wausa to better prepare them for attaining those goals. With the start of a new school improvement phase, the elementary will focus on reading and reading comprehension, as well as mathematics computation and applications as one of the major goals. Each class will be conducting several activities featuring improving reading and comprehension skills of the class as a whole, and on an individual basis. Activities will include, but not limited to the following: Continued alignment of the curriculum to the state reading standards, continued assessment of the students using AIMSWEB to identify ranges of abilities in the areas of reading and math, continued development of the HAL (High Ability Learner) program to meet the needs of all students, as well as intervention programs to reach those students who are struggling to reach grade level in both reading and math.
SCHOOL INFORMATION: Wausa Elementary School
PO BOX 159
WAUSA, 68786-0159
SCHOOL PHONE: (402)586-2255
FAX: (402)586-2406
SCHOOL ID: 54-0576-002