McCook Alternative Education called LIFT (Learning Independently For Tomorrow) associated with McCook Public Schools is located in a separate building.The program is designed for students who have dropped out, been expelled, or are more than one grade level behind. Credits are earned by doing course work and using the online A+ curriculum. Credits are also awarded for vocational experience based upon their work place experience.Students work at their own pace to complete A+ course work much as a correspondence course. Students are placed in grades at the beginning of each year by the number of credits they have earned to that point.The Junior high portion of the program is designed to help students achieve grade levels when they are behind and learn study skills so they can be reintroduced into the regular course curriculum at the high school. Their courses are taught at grade level. Student scores, mobility rate, and enrollment figures are included with the McCook High School figures.
SCHOOL INFORMATION: Mc Cook Alternative Education
MC COOK, 69001-3628
SCHOOL PHONE: (308)345-5631
FAX: (308)345-6134
SCHOOL ID: 73-0017-008