Winnebago Public High School is located in northeastern Nebraska. The school has an average enrollment of 160. The student body is 99% American Indian. The majority of the students are members of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska. Students have the opportunity to be involved in many extracurricular activities, such as cross country, football, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, track, speech, drama, Science Olympiad, Quiz Bowl, art and music.
SCHOOL INFORMATION: Winnebago High School
WINNEBAGO, 68071-0769
SCHOOL PHONE: (402)878-2224
FAX: (402)878-2472
SCHOOL ID: 87-0017-001
The release date for Statewide Assessments is 12/31/2018
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This data is not yet available for the currently selected data year, please refer to the projected data release calendar to see when it will be available.
This data is not yet available for the currently selected data year, please refer to the projected data release calendar to see when it will be available.
This data is not yet available for the currently selected data year, please refer to the projected data release calendar to see when it will be available.
This data is not yet available for the currently selected data year, please refer to the projected data release calendar to see when it will be available.