Arcadia Public School has an approximate population of 130 students, K-12. Class sizes range from 5-18 students with one teacher responsible for their department, or in the elementary grades there are combination of 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 with Kindergarten being separate. Due to its rural location, Arcadia Public School offers and takes a variety of distance learning classes. This allows the school to offer upper level classes, such as Calculus, Anatomy, foreign language, social studies, and offer college level classes to students completing the curriculum. Arcadia uses the NeSA testing to give us our CRA's as well as testing the Science Standards through the CNAA. The NWEA/MAP's was administered in the fall of 2010 and in the spring of 2011 to all students 1st through 11th grades. Test scores were given to parents, teachers and the school board, although only 4, 8, 11 were reported to the state. Other assessments were teacher-based such as: checklists, unit and basal tests.
SCHOOL INFORMATION: Arcadia Elementary School
PO BOX 248
ARCADIA, 68815-0248
SCHOOL PHONE: (308)789-6522
FAX: (308)789-6214
SCHOOL ID: 88-0021-002