Fort Calhoun Elementary School is a PK-6 facility located at 11th & Monroe, Fort Calhoun, NE 68023 and is located on Highway 75, approximately 10 miles north of Omaha. All facilities and programs in the School District meet Rule 10 accreditation standards set by NDE. In addition, the School system is a member of AdvancEd accreditation. The Elementary School has an iPad ratio of 1 for every two students. In addition to our preschool program, we have added before and after care and a "Summer Jam" program to assist parents and students alike. The facility was expanded and renovated to better serve the needs of our students and create a safer environment. The traffic plan has also been addressed including loading/unloading zones and bus traffic lanes. Updated playground equipment is now a reality. The final phase of our renovation program is in progress and includes a new kitchen and renovated cafeteria. The renovation also includes an elevator for improved accessibility.
SCHOOL INFORMATION: Fort Calhoun Elementary School
PO BOX 430
FORT CALHOUN, 68023-0430
SCHOOL PHONE: (402)468-5714
FAX: (402)468-5593
SCHOOL ID: 89-0003-002