Fort Calhoun Elementary School is a PK-6 facility at 11th & Monroe, Fort Calhoun, NE 68023 approximately 10 miles north of Omaha. All facilities and programs in the School District meet Rule 10 accreditation standards set by NDE and is a member of AdvancEd accreditation. The Elementary School has an iPad ratio of 1 for every two students. In addition to our preschool program, we have added before and after care and a "Summer Jam" program to assist parents and students alike. The facility was expanded and renovated to better serve the needs of our students and create a safer environment. The traffic plan was addressed including loading/unloading zones and bus traffic lanes. Updated playground equipment is a reality. The final phase of our renovation program is complete and includes a new kitchen and renovated cafeteria. The renovation also includes an elevator for improved accessibility, additional classroom space, and cameras and a "buzz in" system for admittance to the building.
SCHOOL INFORMATION: Fort Calhoun Elementary School
PO BOX 430
FORT CALHOUN, 68023-0430
SCHOOL PHONE: (402)468-5714
FAX: (402)468-5593
SCHOOL ID: 89-0003-002